"Genius is in-born, may it never be still-born."

"Oysters, irritated by grains of sand, give birth to pearls. Brains, irritated by curiosity, give birth to ideas."

"Brainpower is the bridge to the future; it is what transports you from wishful thinking to willful doing."

"Unless you keep learning & growing, the status quo has no status."

Monday, February 27, 2012

Braindancing Bytes: CREATIVE COGITATIONS, by Dilip Mukerjea

We live on a plundered planet; unthinkable disasters are erupting around us. All too often, rapture turns to rupture. To reverse this sorry trend, we must move from destructivity to creativity.


The world is changing economically, culturally, socially, politically, technologically, environmentally, and competitively.

Every individual must change in step with these world changes. So must corporations and the human capital within them.

Unless you are prepared for all these scenarios, you are prepared for none of them. Ask yourself:

Are you busy preparing for a set of careers that will soon be obsolete?

We need creativity and innovation to live in a world where multiple realities have become the norm.

Yet, each set of multiple realities poses a challenge, because no two people occupy the same slice of consciousness about anything. We just do not occupy the same knowledge space, often seeking refuge in our private sanctuaries of specialisation.

Skills in creativity equip us with the capacity to succeed in the future.

If we fail, it is because of our failure of imagination in the present.

More than ever, you’ve got to aim for what you can’t expect to get. The marketspace of commerce has become a single global bazaar: To be a viable player, we need to develop a range of intellectual capital skills. This means creativity,innovation, leadership, verbal and visual literacy, team play, and humanity towards one another.

Are you in the forefront of innovation, or have you receded into the white noise of your organisation’s background?

If it is the latter, consider getting out of the box, and into the solution.


A 3Cs strategy can serve as a foundation for shaping opportunities to create significant value:

Consider, Create,Consolidate.

Consider what to focus upon, Create possibilities out of your focal options, via smart techniques, then Consolidate the decisions and actions that emerge from your considerations and creations.

They integrate strategic, operational and organisational initiatives into pragmatic skills to deliver near-term performance improvement and longer-term capability building.

Today, most of the world’s brilliant people aren’t members of any single team but are distributed all over the planet in diverse institutions.

Increasingly, innovations occur at the interstices between different disciplines — between, for example, biotech and nano technologies, genetics and robotics, information and telecommunications.

Organisations need to find ways to leverage the disparate intellectual assets of people who see the world differently and who use unique tools and methods. Such people are likely to work both in different disciplines and in different institutions.

Discovering and leveraging successful ways to work with them will lie at the heart of innovating innovation.

Today’s computers have the power to simulate massively complex, nonlinear systems, coupled to phenomenal visualization techniques; they enable the customer to be brought ever closer to the design process.

Two principal sources of learning are: ‘learning by doing’ — via actions and interactions, and ‘learning while waiting’ — what is discovered from markets during product development.

Yesterday's peacock is today's feather duster!

Keep learning in both modes, so as to stay current, creative, and competitive.

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